Established in the year 2000 as a climbing club for enthusiasts, we have grown to be among the most versatile and reputable outdoor companies in China. Our tailored outdoor education programs offer an immersive, hands-on approach to learning that will captivate students and invigorate their senses.

Our team is comprised of a diverse group of local and international instructors with extensive knowledge in the field of outdoor education. With our experienced instructors leading the way, students explore the pristine wilderness, discover hidden trails, and paddle through serene lakes, all while engaging in dynamic educational activities.

We ignite students’ curiosity, help them gain confidence, and create lifelong memories via our tailored programs and moreover, provide a safe, supportive environment for students to learn and grow. 

A breathtaking outdoor haven nestled in the heart of Guilin, China, our base in Yangshuo is a nature lover’s paradise, offering awe-inspiring landscapes and thrilling adventures that will leave you spellbound.

Imagine limestone peaks piercing the sky, emerald-green rice paddies stretching as far as the eye can see, and the Li River winding its way through a mesmerizing karst landscape. Yangshuo is not just a destination; it’s an experience that will awaken your senses and ignite your adventurous spirit. 

Whether you’re biking along ancient village paths, climbing towering cliffs, or cruising down the Li River on a bamboo raft, Yangshuo is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts seeking adrenaline-pumping escapades and unspoiled natural beauty. Immerse yourself in the local culture, savor delicious cuisine, and soak in the warm hospitality of the locals.

Come join us in Yangshuo, where every day is an extraordinary adventure waiting to be discovered.